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Jette Krause, 15.08.2000

»It makes my life worth living«

Steven Madsen, Sieger des 20. Berliner Halbmarathons

Steven Madsen, 29, kommt aus Odense und läuft für das dänische FILA Verducci Team.

Beim 20. Halbmarathon in Berlin räumte sein Team ab: Steven lief die schnellste Zeit, seine Teampartner Kasper Schneider und Annette Dam wurden jeweils Zweite bei den Männern bzw. Frauen. Mit dem Sieger sprach Jette Krause.

Congratulations! How did your team achieve this great victory?
We're amazed ourselves. This was the first interational race on this team, we've only been training together for six month. But we've been training outside as often as possible - maybe that was an advantage. And the weather is so brilliant today. Skating in the middle of the town with all the people around cheering - you are so nervous, and you love to show up and go for it!

How about the competition?
We had a hard fight with the Roces Team. But then, I broke out und managed to put a gap between them and me and my team kept them back. In the race, we are the worst enemies in the world, but afterwards, we get along very well with each other.

What is your motivation to take it?
Days like today. To feel the thrill, skating in a big croud, this is what makes my life worth living. The weekends make it worth doing it.

Your training must be hard. What are you doing?
We are training outdoors two or three times a week and indoors another two or three times. We do all sorts of different things. We run 2.000 metres or 30 kilometres, or we do indoor races on a 100 metre track.

How did you become a professional?
It just happened. I started skating in 1996, then I started training, won some races and suddenly people asked me if I wanted to join a team.

Have you been a professional for long? And can you live on it?
I am a professional since 1998. But you don't get much money out of it. I get skates and sportswear from my sponsor and I'm very grateful for it. But you only get money if you win races. I live on making websites.

What is your aim in skating?
Well, by now we are the best team in Denmark. But in other countries, they are better, in Italy or France, for example. I would like to be among the first twenty at the european championship.

Good luck Steven and many thanks for this interview.

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